Posted by dave hillstrom on 10/09/05 05:26
On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 19:10:14 -0700, in alt.usenet.kooks,
<m0tgk1l3odeq3ui0g2g9oeqh80491jqa4d@4ax.com>, Onideus Mad Hatter
<usenet@backwater-productions.net> humped my leg thusly:
>On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 21:14:12 -0400, dave hillstrom <DaVe@MeOw.OrG>
>>On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 16:56:25 -0700, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
>><l0ngk19ssaf2mqqanjd6116oehmpriklm5@4ax.com>, Onideus Mad Hatter
>><usenet@backwater-productions.net> humped my leg thusly:
>>>On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 19:03:42 -0400, dave hillstrom <DaVe@MeOw.OrG>
>>>>On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 18:44:35 -0400, in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk,
>>>><di9i4l$snl$3@blackhelicopter.databasix.com>, Gary L. Burnore
>>>><gburnore@databasix.com> humped my leg thusly:
>>>>>On Sat, 08 Oct 2005 15:40:57 -0600, Art Deco <art_deco@>
>>>>>>Fly Cooter <FlyCooter@excite.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>These are the reSPLAT
>>>>>>Why am I not on your lits o' hate?
>>>>>I demand to be added to his lits o' hate as well.
>>>>im on it. neener.
>>>I'm on it more than anyone...that means I win or something...I'm
>>>POPULAR...on the Internet...
>>>Seriously, do you have any idea how popular I am...on the Internet?
>>popular in your own head? very. popular on the internet? no. not in a
>>positive way, at least, little matty. except for the very rare occasions
>>you contribute in a positive manner to alt.html. though thats extremely
>>rare, from what i hear. and since no one i know has any idea of which
>>smalltime sites youve developed, you arent very popular their either. maybe
>>you should froth a little more. someone HAS to like that.
>WOW...yer as bad as the PoEtards, Davey. Can't you tell when I'm
>being flip? Free cl00, I'm not looking to be "popular" on the
>Internet. Now go back to thinking that Poofter and I are the same
>person, I could use a good laugh.
actually, matty, the last time i said he was your sock, you went all
abusive on me, but never got around to denying it. i still dont see a
denial. mheh.
>Speakin of PoEtards though I've sure got their lil froup running
>stupid. At the moment they're attempting to setup an RL fight between
>me and some DragonballZ watching wannabe (kids even kookier than
>Nyarltep). I especially liked the parts when they outright admitted
>not being able to handle me in a flame war and going RL was their only
>means of attempting retribution. ^_^
i heard you had accepted this fight, and were now running due to fear of
actually having to participate. doesnt that make you both a liar AND a
coward? especially since its in your own town and you dont have to spend
much gas money or time. thats what i heard, matty. is that how you
conduct your "business", too? talk a good line but cant deliver?
>It's too bad the webbie board PoEsers are too stupid to figure out
>Usenet...I mean we're talking about an unending supply of not just
>kooks...but kook sads. Kook sads are kooks who try and feel better
>about their own kookiness by attacking the kookiness of others. Like
>the transgendered (female to male), janitor, Gundam model building,
>home made t-shirt making, fruitball "Cap'n J" who runs around trying
>to attack fat goths, furries and other sorts of pedestrian
sounds like you are trying to somehow justify your cowardice. as far as i
know, the only way to beat cowardice is to go out and do what youve said
youll do, regardless of fear. you might try it sometime.
dave hillstrom
Vote Dave Hillstrom for Whining Whinger in AUK October 2005
the belgians are STILL thieves.
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