Posted by Mαrio Gamito on 03/08/05 17:18
This is quite a very basic question, but i think the code following my
signature should work.
Instead, i get a
"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /home/vhosts/dte/cv/register_action.php:10) in
/home/vhosts/dte/cv/register_action.php on line 12"
and no redirection :(
How can i solve this ?
Any help would be apreciated.
Warm Regards,
MΓ‘rio Gamito
$hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
$sub_domain = explode (".", $hostname);
if ($sub_domain[1] != 'dte') {
<script language=\"JavaScript\">
window.open (\"http://www.google.com\", \"mywindow\", \"status=1,
toolbar=0, resizable=0,
width=200, height=200\");
header("Location: http://www.dte.ua.pt/cv/");
<TITLE>GestΓ£o de currΓculos do DDTE</TITLE>
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