Reply to PHP 5.0.3 and base64 encoded cookie value issue?

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Posted by Pink Floyd on 03/08/05 22:54

(I had posted this in the Zend php-general mailing
but it did not show up in, so here it is
I am not sure whether this is a bug or a 'feature'
(new to PHP). I have a cookie that is set by our
password server (NON-PHP) for our domain, whose value
is base64 encoded when set.
Now, when I try to retrieve the Cookie from my
PHP/Apache Web server the $_COOKIE['token'] value is
messed up. What I have noticed is the '+' character is
being replaced by ' '.
I have the magic_quotes_gpc set to 'off' and
variables_order set to 'gpcs' in my php.ini.
Currently, I have hacked around by painfully parsing
the $_SERVER['HTTP_COOKIE'] variable and extracting
the 'token' cookie, where its value appears to be
intact as set by our password server.

I would like to avoid this hack if possible, is there
a way to retrieve the 'raw' cookie value without php
'cleansing' it?


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