Reply to imagedestroy()

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Posted by Edward Vermillion on 10/04/76 11:10

Sorry if this is an old subject but it's new to me. I have a 'default'
Fedora Core 1 installation of Apache2 v2.0.48 and php v4.3.8. I've
noticed a problem in one of the scripts i had written a few months ago,
but I was testing it on a Red Hat 8 system at the time and I'm not sure
if the memory limit is default on that system or not. Anyway, what I've
got is a script that is generating thumbnails from a batch of images in
a directory, about 5000 images are being counted. While the script
worked fine when i wrote it a few months ago, on the different system,
I was recently trying to use it and was repeatedly getting memory limit
errors at an 8MB limit. What the script does is load an image in
memory, create three different thumbnail sizes for the image,
imagedestroy() is being called after each thumbnail build to kill the
thumb, and then finally I'm calling imagedestroy() at the end of the
iteration for that image to kill the original in memory before going on
to the next image. What it appears to me is that imagedestroy() is not
actually freeing the memory for use on the next cycle. While this
doesn't really effect the scripts I have that are just generating
thumbnails from a single image, the batch scripts I have are
continually failing after about three iterations. I did increase the
memory limit enough to get the script to finish, and php is apparently
doing it's job in cleaning up when the script finishes so there's not a
real threat to the server if I run the scripts during slow times. But
it is a bit annoying that the function isn't working as it should. I
noticed a few memory issues in the bugs pages relating to gd, and the
resolution stated that it was a gd problem, so I didn't want to bother
the php maintainers with another one. What I'm wondering is if anyone
else has noticed this behavior, and aside from increasing the memory
limit, have you found an alternative? I'm really trying to keep the
scripts I have portable, so I haven't looked at ImageMagic, but I was
wondering if the shmop functions might be the way to go with this. I do
have reservations about using that though since it's not a 'default' in
the build and I have some servers that I have no control over the
software side of things, and I am trying to make these as generic as
possible. If you've gotten this far thanks, sorry it turned out to be
so long, but this is a rather important problem in what I'm coding.

Edward Vermillion

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