Posted by Derek Williams on 10/21/05 19:08
We're starting work on a similar (to be open sourced) project, XML/XSLT
based. We're also putting together a process creation and tracking
mechanism. I would be glad to take a look at the design and code. We
have a great XSLT programmer.
Sascha Braun wrote:
> Hi,
> I am now working on a concept for a webportal software in about 2 and a
> halv year. As far as I am in the development of the project I was able
> to write an authoring system with support of unlimited language transla-
> tions and xml based frontend/screen engine.
> All html forms and screens are generated via parsed xml frontend tem-
> plates. The navigation elements are consisting of xml elements too.
> Alot of things can be done, without the developer has to write html or
> php code very much.
> The media asset management system is able to convert images, videos and
> in near future audio files to any format the player needs to play the
> video or audio file without use of mplayer-plugin or windows media pla-
> yer.
> I wrote a question catalog management system, with which it is very easy
> to add question catalogs to the content management system, so individual
> services can be offered to customers, by evaluation of the user given
> answers to the system.
> The user management has a very detailed rights management, and the user
> profiles are consisting of xml profile element templates which are
> editable, thru the form engine, which is reading the xml profile tem-
> plates and is displaying them as forms.
> The screentext management is a nice frontend to the screentext database,
> in which all frontend screentexts are stored, while the documents of the
> content management system are entered by a special xml editor i wrote,
> with wich the webauthor dont has to be able to know any html tags or
> such things, so write content for the website.
> In future i want to add the possebility to the editor, that authors are
> going to be able to add tables, generated by the GD lib, so informations
> cant just be grabbed by other companys too easy, so informations cant
> really be stolen. And i want to add a frontend to the JPGraph lib, so
> the authors will be able to enter values into the documents they are
> working on, to add diagrams to the document.
> I nice working template engine has to be written, so the design of the
> hole page can change by daytime or the time of the year.
> I added a cronjob management tool, so alot of tasks can be executed
> timed as needed. If a customer of an couple finder service want to get
> out of his contract, it can be done automatically to the end of the
> month, without the site administrators have to do anything about it.
> The Online shopping module should consist of a kind of neural network to
> find out, what kind of products is fitting best to a customer with
> specific account values based on the question catalog management tool.
> Later I want to add an tracking system, a product managment system, and
> marketing management tool, a statistics tool and many other things.
> The hole system is build up modular and is based on php5.
> No other programmer did ever take a look at this system, so I dont
> really now, if my design is well, or if my php code is just wellformed.
> I'm went to work alone, because i did so in the last 8 years.
> My question is now, as this concept and the authoring system itself is
> not opensource at the moment. If somepeople would like to take a look at
> it, and maybe discuss with me, wheather to make it opensource, or
> letting it stay as a commercial project.
> My only goal is, to set up the webportals I have written concepts for in
> the last couple of years. But the project is now comming into a size
> where its nearly impossible to start anything new, because there still
> are alot of holes in the modules.
> And my pressure is growing abit.
> All i can say, that is is possible to set up a content management based
> website including webdesign and all other things can be done with the
> authoring system in about 4 - 6 days, instead of one or two month, it
> would take to write something like that on your own if you dont use all
> of the modules the authoring system is consisting of at the moment.
> I'm not the best programmer, but I'm good in software design and concep-
> tion. So it would be really nice, to have some people around, who can
> take care abit about the quality of the project. And maybe make use of
> it, like i want too.
> So best regards,
> and lets make it happen :)))
> Sascha Braun
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