Posted by Ian Davies on 10/23/05 03:49
Your sugestions worked
Thank u
"Gordon Burditt" <gordonb.ythas@burditt.org> wrote in message
> >I am trying to insert recordes into two tables with the following code.
> >field UserId in table tOrders
> >and
> >field OrderID in table tOrderItem
> >are not updating only the default value 0 is being saved into the
records. I
> >have been pondering this one all day. I expect as I am new to php I am
> >missing something obvious but I cannot see it.
> The return value of mysql_query() is *NOT* a value of what you
> selected. It's a result set. Fetch a row (you might have gotten
> more than one row) from the result set (e.g. with $r =
> mysql_fetch_array($OrderID).) Then look for the column (e.g.
> $r['OrderID'] you asked for, and THAT'S the value you want to put
> in the query.
> Also, when you're debugging something, don't put @ in front of
> function calls. Also, print out the SQL being passed to mysql_query.
> You never set $id (unless it's hidden in your includes).
> >All the other fields are
> >being created OK and the $_SESSION[username] is OK as it can be echoed on
> >the page. I suspect it must be something to do with the variables in the
> >statements.
> >
> >**********************************************************************
> ><?php
> >
> >session_start();
> >include('iddsof2.php');
> >include("login.php");
> >
> >
> >$OrderDate = date('d/m/Y');
> >echo $_SESSION[username];
> >
> >$UserID = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username
> >='".$_SESSION[username]."'");
> >$OrderID = mysql_query("SELECT OrderID FROM tOrders WHERE UserID =
> >'$UserID'");
> >
> >$insertOrder = "INSERT INTO tOrders (UserId,OrderDate,OrderCost) VALUES
> >('$id','$OrderDate',10)";
> >$add_order = @mysql_query($insertOrder) or die('Query failed: ' .
> >mysql_error());
> >
> >
> >$insertOrderDetails = "INSERT INTO tOrderItem (OrderID,QuestionNo) VALUES
> >('$OrderID',10)";
> >$add_order_details = @mysql_query($insertOrderDetails) or die('Query
> >' . mysql_error());
> >
> >?>
> ><h1>Order Status</h1>
> ><p>Congratulations <b><?php echo $_SESSION[username] ?></b>, your order
> >been completed.<br>
> >Please check that the questions have transfered to your local database
> >within Pupil Tester.<br><br><br><br>
> ><a href=\logout.php\> Logout</a> or return to <a href=\Questions.php\>
> >Questions Database</a></p>
> >
> ><?php
> >mysql_close($conn);
> >?>
> >***********************************************************************
> Gordon L. Burditt
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