Reply to Re: [PHP] ezmlm "bounced email" warnings - [was RE: [PHP] suspicious - maybe spam]

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Posted by Nobody Special on 10/04/43 11:10

On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 07:30:57 -0800, Rob Tanner <> wrote:
> Every ezmlm mailing list I'm on does that periodically. Lists that I'm
> on that use MailMan never seem to have that problem. What then does
> that tell us about ezmlm...
Everyone, eh. You must not be on many lists. I don't have any
problems with bugtraq or any of the other ezmlm lists I'm on.
php-general is the only one I've seen sending me ezmlm-warnings.

This sounds more like the php guys don't have their concurencyremote
set (it defaults to 120) or some other issue. I'm sure if the list
admin will ask on the ezmlm list someone would be glad to help them
get their setup tuned correctly.

Use Linux.
Proud member of the reality-based community!
In opposing the Federalists, [Jefferson] ushered in a
kind of sustained partisan activity that had never existed
before. Initially called the Republican party, it became known
in the era of Andrew Jackson as simply the Democracy;
later on, it was called the Democratic party. But even the modern
Republican party, formed in 1854, chose its name in part to honor
Jefferson. -- Joyce Appleby on Jefferson

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