Reply to Re: [PHP] Strange array access problem

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Posted by Robert Cummings on 10/26/05 08:06

> On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 00:28, Ken Tozier wrote:
> > I'm having a major problem with what seems, on it's face, to be a
> > really basic array function.
> >
> > What happens is on the browser end, I've written some javascript code
> > that packages up javascript variables in native PHP format and sends
> > the packed variables to a PHP script on the server via a POST and
> > XMLHTTP. On the server end, the PHP script grabs the packed variables
> > out of the $_POST, strips slashes and uses the "unserialize" command.
> >
> > Here's the function that gets the post data
> > $unpacked_data = GetDataFromPOST();
> >
> > And here's a var_dump of $unpacked_data as it appears in the browser
> > array(1) { ["handler"]=> array(1) { ["0"]=> string(9)
> > "databases" } }
> >
> > I'm able to get the "handler with no problem like so:
> > $parts = $unpacked_data['handler'];
> >
> > Which yields the following var_dump
> > array(1) { ["0"]=> string(9) "databases" }

Then later that day I wrote:
> But no matter what I did I could NOT get var_dump to dump my 0 key for
> the 'databases' as you have in your output. So methinks therein may lie
> your problem. Perhaps during the serialization in javascript check if
> the key is an integer-like string and if so then convert to an integer
> for the key serialization.

I did some more investigating. Your problem appears to be PHP5 specific.
I manually created the serialize string I assumed you had, but PHP4 was
smarter than me and auto converted the string key to an integer once
again; however, PHP5 for some reason during unserialization maintained
the string type for the key, however it was not able to access the value
because upon attempting to access the value I'm assuming it did a type
conversion to integer... additionally I got the following error notice
when trying to access the value:

<b>Notice</b>: Undefined index: 0 in <b>/home/suds/foo.php</b> on line
<b>25</b><br />

The following can duplicated the error:

$ser = 'a:1:{s:1:"0";s:3:"foo";}';
$unser = unserialize( $ser );
var_dump( $unser );
var_dump( $unser['0'] );

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