Posted by John Nichel on 10/04/94 11:10
Kresimir Cosic wrote:
> Additional information (if that helps):
> The website is located in directory home/vriho/public_html/
> The mysql database is in home/vriho/db/mysql/ (not shared to other users)
> The local socket file for mysql is at home/vriho/db/socket/
> The parts of website that are "hidden", including the cache file are at
> directory home/vriho/public_html/parts/
Just looking at that, if you have to make your files world readable for
them to work, your hosting provider doesn't have the box set up
properly, and you should think about switching. Basically, Apache
should be using suexec to run as the user 'vriho' when serving up pages
for your site. All your files/directories should be owner/group
'vriho', and should have no permissions for _other_.
John C. Nichel
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