Posted by Jochem Maas on 11/04/05 19:27
boots wrote:
> --- Todd Siegel <thsiegel@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>I added backticks per the link you sent, but it's still not working.
>>{include file="`$page_info->getRequestedPath()`.tpl"} (and other
>>quote/backtick combinations)
> Not per the link I sent. That page does not indicate that you can embed
> object method calls. You can however use the cat modifier:
> {include file=$page_info->getRequestedPath()|cat:".tpl"}
> But why wouldn't the method return the full path including the
> extension so that you can simplify to:
> {include file=$page_info->getRequestedPath()}
or possibly:
{include file=$page_info->getRequestedPath('tpl')}
just thinking out loud :-)
> ?
> See:
> http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.modifier.cat.php
> xo boots
>><?php $_smarty_tpl_vars = $this->_tpl_vars;
>>$this->_smarty_include(array('smarty_include_tpl_file' =>
>>'smarty_include_vars' => array()));
>>$this->_tpl_vars = $_smarty_tpl_vars;
>> ?>
>>unable to read resource: "`Object id #2->getRequestedPath()`.tpl"
>>--- boots <jayboots@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>--- pbaker <baker_net@tlen.pl> wrote:
>>>>if the method returns the name U should assign the name to
>>>>something like this:
>>>>{assign var="name" value=$page_info->getRequestedPath()}
>>>>and then {include file="$name.tpl"} <--- not tested :P
>>>uhh, not exactly. This would work, but the real issue is the use of
>>>double quotes when they are not required.
>>> http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.syntax.quotes.php
>>>xo boots
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