Reply to Re: recommending a PHP book?

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Posted by Jeremiah Fisher on 03/15/05 20:01

"PHP 5 Power Programming" by Andi Gutmans, Stig Bakken, and Derick
Rethans may be worth the read for you. It doesn't mention an MVC, but
they do talk a little about patterns in PHP.

However, you probably won't find much in-depth coverage of patterns in
PHP. There are alot of good books written on patterns in C++, Java, and
C#, but PHP doesn't have that "enterprise" stigma about it.

I've nearly finished an MVC-based framework in PHP, and think that Java
should be sincerely evaluated before you take up the endeavor. I've had
to reinvent alot of Struts functionality. Not only that, but you'll
probably go further with J2EE on your resume than PHP.

O'Reilly has some good books on design patterns. I picked up Head First
myself, and though it was repetitive, it got the point across pretty
well. You'll find that most of the code is in Java, but it should be
easy to read if you speak PHP 5.

For a quick online reference of some common design patterns (and if you
can read C#), you can look at this site:



Danny Lin wrote:
> Can any one recommend a good book that discusses MVC design patterns with
> PHP (and mySQL)?
> Thanks.

[Back to original message]

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