Reply to RE: [PHP] software catalog

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Posted by Robbert van Andel on 03/13/05 23:55

I've used Zen Cart ( in the past.

-----Original Message-----
From: Judson Vaughn []
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2005 3:05 PM
Cc: Ryan A; php
Subject: Re: [PHP] software catalog

X-Cart has a very nice feature for delivering "intangibles". But it is
around $285.


Judson Vaughn |
Seiter Vaughn Communications
12455 Plowman Court
Herndon, VA 20170

Richard Lynch wrote:
>>Anybody know of a "software catalog" (or cart preferably) that is free?
>>A site i am working for sells software, now they want to have a cart
>>so people can put the packages in a cart and get discounts etc if they
>>purchase more than 1 product...they are using 2checkout for processing.
>>I checked the usual places and google of "php software cart" but got back
>>garbled results, most of that carts are for tangible products :-(
> This might have "sells intangibles" as a feature check point:
> Or you can add it and check back after some people "vote"
> Disclaimer: I hacked this up after the umpteen flame war about PHP
> Shopping Carts on this list in, oh, call it 2000 or so... God only knows
> which of those solutions is way out of date or whatever. Caveat Emptor.

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