Reply to Unable to create scratch file

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Posted by MOP on 11/27/05 18:19

Hello People,

I think I have a simple problem, but I can not find the solution :(
I tried to find on google, serach and read about half the Internet but still
no luck...

I am running on OpenBSD 3.8 with Apache/1.3.29 (Unix) PHP/4.4.0

PHP is working. I can run simple scripts...

However when I run the following script:

// POP Account openen
$inbox = imap_open ("{". $pophost . "/pop3:110}",$popuser, $poppass);

// Totaal aantal berichten in POP account
$total = imap_num_msg($inbox);
echo 'Totaal is '.$total.' voor mailadres '.$sidn_emailadres.'<Br>';

echo "<p><h1>Headers in INBOX</h1>\n";
$headers = imap_headers ($inbox);

if ($headers == false) {
echo "Call failed<br>\n";
} else {
while (list ($key,$val) = each ($headers)) {
echo $val."<br>\n";

I get the following error message:

[Sun Nov 27 17:12:14 2005] [error] PHP Notice: (null)(): Unable to create
scratch file: Permission denied (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

So I know that my filerights need to be adjusted, but I can not find which

I can not find any reference to PHP scratch files...
Please tell me where to find PHP scratch file configuration...

Thank you very much!

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