Posted by LacaK on 03/18/05 19:39
my PHP is running as Apache module.
if safe_mode=on
function apache_request_headers() does not return Authorization headers
so there is no possibilty to validate "HTTP Digest Authorization ..."
if safe_mode=off
all wotks OK.
I send to browser :
Header( "HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
Header( "WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=\"www.myrealm.sk\",
opaque=\"{$opaque}\", nonce=\"{$nonce}\", stale=\"{$stale}\",
browser respond with HTTP header :
Authorization: Digest .....
which is OK, but this header is not included in apache_request_headers()
I thing, that is a bug ...
or can anyone help ?
Thank you
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