Posted by "Gustav Wiberg" on 11/29/05 23:11
Hi there!
This didn't work. Ok, mysql 4.x don't have support for the command. Exuse
my.. didn't realize that before... I have to do this another way around...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Blanchard" <jay.blanchard@THERMON.com>
To: "'Gustav Wiberg'" <gustav@varupiraten.se>; "PHP General"
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2005 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Howto search in SQL for a specific character?
> [snip]
> $v1 = chr(39); //39 is apostrofe
> $sql = "SELECT nameOfPedigree FROM tbpedigrees WHERE
> SUBSTR(nameOfPedigree,0,1) = $v1";
> Why doesn't this work?
> [/snip]
> Probably because the character set is misinterpreted. What happens when
> you
> echo $v1? Try
> $sql = "SELECT nameOfPedigree FROM tbpedigrees WHERE
> SUBSTR(nameOfPedigree,0,1) = ''' ";
> --
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