Posted by Markus L. on 03/20/05 15:31
Am Freitag, den 18.03.2005, 15:23 -0500 schrieb Joseph
> Hello Everyone,
> I am not sure if this is the expected results or not, however i think it
> wouldnt be.
> i have a main exception class called SvEx that extends the built in
> Exception class
> <?php
> /**
> * The SvEx class
> *
> * This is the exception class for the main Application
> *
> * @author Joseph Crawford Jr. <codebowl@gmail.com>
> * @copyright Codebowl Solutions 2005
> * @package SimonVolkov
> * @subpackage Exceptions
> *
> **/
> class SvEx extends Exception {
> const ERR_TYPE = "Unknown Error";
> const ERR_DESC = "There has been an error. This error has been logged.
> Please try again in a few minutes.";
> protected $_msg;
> protected $_tpl;
> protected $_error;
> public function __construct( $error = null ) {
> $this->_error = array(
> 'type' => self::ERR_TYPE,
> 'description' => self::ERR_DESC
> );
The keyword "self" is always the class in which the keyword stands. Try
$this->_error = array('type' => const(get_class($this) . '::ERR_TYPE'),
'description' => const(get_class($this) . '::ERR_DESC'));
> $this->_tpl = Application::Template();
> $this->_tpl->assign( 'error_type', $this->_error['type'] );
> $this->_tpl->assign( 'error_description', $this->_error['description'] );
> $this->_msg = $error;
> parent::__construct($this->_msg);
> }
> public function Display($file, $line) {
> $this->_tpl->assign('admin', 1);
> $this->_tpl->assign('msg', $this->_msg);
> $file = explode('\\', $file);
> $top = count( $file ) - 1;
> $file = '/' . $file[$top-1] . '/' . $file[$top];
> $this->_tpl->assign('__FILE__', $file);
> $this->_tpl->assign('__LINE__', $line);
> $this->_tpl->display('error.tpl');
> }
> }
> ?>
> Now with this class notice the Constants i have for the class. This class
> is then extended by another class the ApplicationEx class
> <?php
> /**
> * The ApplicationEx class
> *
> * This is the exception class for the main Application class
> *
> * @author Joseph Crawford Jr. <codebowl@gmail.com>
> * @copyright Codebowl Solutions 2005
> * @package SimonVolkov
> * @subpackage Exceptions
> *
> **/
> class ApplicationEx extends SvEx {
> const ERR_TYPE = "Application Error";
> const ERR_DESC = "An Application Error!";
> public function __construct( $msg = null ) {
> $this->_error['type'] = self::ERR_TYPE;
> $this->_error['description'] = self::ERR_DESC ;
> parent::__construct($msg);
> }
> }
> ?>
> Now please notice how this class has declared 2 constants for the error type
> and description. I know that in the first class it has constants so it
> cannot be "changed" however with these classes i dont get an error of trying
> to redeclare a constant that is already declared, nor does it give the
> expected results.
> Here is a case of throwing an ApplicationEx exception
> <?php
> if( ( isset( $dbinfo['type'] ) && $dbinfo['type'] != "" ) && ( isset(
> $dbinfo['host'] ) && $dbinfo['host'] != "" ) && ( isset(
> $dbinfo['database'] ) && $dbinfo['database'] != "" ) ) {
> self::$_db = new $dbinfo['type']($dbinfo['host'], $dbinfo['database'],
> $dbinfo['user'], $dbinfo['pass']);
> } else {
> throw new ApplicationEx("Could not instanciate the database object, you
> must specify the database type, hostname and database name.");
> }
> ?>
> Now what i would expect would be for this code to set $this->_error['type']
> to "Application Error" since in the application class i used self::ERR_TYPE
> and not parent::ERR_TYPE. However it uses the constant from the SvEx class
> and set's $this->_error['type'] = "Unknown Error"
> here is a page where you can see the results.
> http://codebowl.homelinux.net:8001/clients/JVMedia/SimonVolkov/global.php
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Joe Crawford
> Codebowl Solutions
> codebowl at NO SPAM gmail dot com
Try this: SCA the Smart Class Archive for PHP
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