Posted by Marlin Unruh on 10/14/94 11:34
Dan Baker wrote:
> "Marlin Unruh" <mwu@suncosys.net> wrote in message
> news:439B02B3.1080403@suncosys.net...
>> I apologize because I posted this question earlier under Re: [PHP] href
>> difference between OS's, and am still struggling with the problem. I think
>> I have fished all the way around the lake, with no results.
>> I cannot get href links to local files to work on an XP machine.
> This is an issue that happened with the release of "Service Pack 2" (I think
> it was SP2).
> You are NOT allowed to click on a link that accesses the C: drive -period-.
> The browser simply ignores you.
> We got around this issue by mapping a network drive to our own C: drive, and
> generating links to that mapped drive. SP2 allows you to then click on
> these links.
> FYI: We used to be able to simply put our own IP address as a trusted site,
> but SP2 doesn't even allow that any more.
> DanB
Thanks, I am very grateful for you help. I was beginning to think there
was no solution, or I would have to live with the problem and hopefully
stumble across the answer eventually.
Thanks again!!
Marlin Unruh
Sunco Systems Inc.
(308) 326-4400
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