Posted by Kevin on 03/16/05 05:06
"Richard Lynch" <ceo@l-i-e.com> wrote in message
> > Does anyone know how to change the style of password boxes so when the
> > characters are entered an asterisk appears rather that a smal circle?
> >
> > Or is this just determed by the OS and uncangable with CSS or Javascript
> > of
> > PHP?
> They are certainly NOT changeable with PHP.
> I doubt that JavaScript holds the answer either.
I don't know much about JavaScript or VBScript, but I believe there is an
action called "OnKeyPress" or something to that effect. If that's there,
writing a function that accepts the key pressed and replace it with another
character, while the original pressed character is stored in a shadow array?
Like I said.. have no clue, if this is possible, but that is what I would
> You might, however, find an HTML ATTRIBUTE supported by some browsers that
> allows you to change the character used. I doubt it, but it's possible.
> If it is possible, presumably CSS allows you to change the attribute as
> well, though you never know for sure with CSS...
> For sure, whatever you do find, it ain't something that's standard across
> all browsers. But you may only care about the one browser that uses the
> small circles anyway.
> Why in the world do you WANT to change it? [puzzled]
> --
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