Reply to Re: [PHP] 4 Digit ID with Leading Zeros

Your name:


Posted by tg-php on 12/15/05 20:24

If it's really a temporary table, then you can probably reset the auto increment counter periodically so you'll never hit 9999.

If it doesn't have to be 4 digits, that you just want it padded out with zeros, you can have the numbers in the databse be 1, 2, 3, 4 (regular, no padding) and just use PHP to pad the numbers for display purposes too.

Just some random thoughts.


= = = Original message = = =


Now that is an interesting perception. I didn't think about that. Well I can
always change it to five or six. Let me re-assess this with the concerned
person in the department and see what the scenario is like. I'll have to
check the fluency of incoming data and expectancy of reaching the 10,000th

Thanks a bunch.

On 12/15/05 12:38 PM, "Jim Moseby" <> wrote:

> Yes, but as I understand it, MySQL will continue to increment as new
> records are added, so it would be possible that you have only one record
> in the table, but not be able to add another because of the 4 digit
> restriction. If this is the case, you will only be able to have 10,000
> ADDs, not 10,000 records. Just something to be aware of.
> JM

Rahul S. Johari
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