Posted by Adrian Bruce on 12/16/05 12:50
Definitely sounds as if you should be employing the object-orientated
methodology, If the project is as big as you say it is then really you
should be looking to use some UML planning tool so that you can keep all
you code organised.
It is ok on smaller projects to bash out some rough plans and get into
the coding but with more complex requirements its a recipe for
disaster, wait until you client asks for a few seemingly simple changes
and then you realize just how important a good design and plan is.
good luck
Aaron Koning wrote:
>I don't know about whats best for the compiler (rather interpreter), but if
>it is a really big site with a lot of access, transaction and management
>functionality I recommend you start breaking the code into classes and
>separating each class into a file and documenting... A LOT! It will be
>clearer to understand and maintain. IMHO.
>There are lots of sites out there that describe how to separate web code
>into layers such as: display, logic/rules, database interactivity, etc.
>On 12/15/05, Martin Leduc <marled3@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Hi everyones,
>>I coding PHP since 2002 and this is the first time I have to take this
>>My group and I have to build a VERY, VERY BIG website for a callcenter
>>users. Understand I have to create (or use ;)) several code for access,
>>transactions and management.
>>The customer had buy MSSQL server, so we have to use it and it's working
>>very fine. NO MYSQL!!!! (is not my personal choice ;))
>>Currently it's already hard to program and now we have many file. We have
>>only 20% done and the code are a real mess!!!
>>Creating Class, functions, splitting code in several php files using
>>include, see the files sitemap??
>>So for the optimisation topic, what is THE BEST for the PHP compiler. One
>>big file or many included files?
>>PS: If some one know somes related links about the subject, please dont
>>hesitate. ;)
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