Posted by Jochem Maas on 03/17/05 20:06
Mignon Hunter wrote:
> Ok I got this to work but I'm not sure how -- and am having trouble re-producing the data:
> My script I have so far is:
> $lines = file('test2.csv');
> foreach ($lines as $line) {
> $line_split = explode(",", $line);
> if(!(empty($line_split[0]) ) ){
> //echo "I'm not empty";
> $new_array = array(
> $line_split[0] => $line_split[1]
> );
> }
> print("<pre>");
> print_r($new_array);
> print("</pre>");
> //echo "<tr><td>" . $new_array[0] . "</td><td>" . $new_array[1] . "</td></tr>";// this doesnt work
> }
> Here's what the printed format spits out (abbreviated):
> Array
> (
> [R] => "ABC company
> )
> Array
> (
> [R] => "ABC company
> )
> Array
> (
> [R] => "ABC company
> )
> Array
> (
> [R] => "ABC company
> )
> Array
> (
> [O] => XYZ company
> )
> Array
> (
> [O] => XYZ company
> )
> Array
> (
> [O] => XYZ company
> )
> Array
> (
> [O] => XYZ company
> )
> So - I'm getting the write letters assigned to write companys which is great. But my echo line:
> echo "<tr><td>" . $new_array[0] . "</td><td>" . $new_array[1] . "</td></tr>";// this doesnt work
given the array you printed above:
foreach ($new_array as $k => $v) {
echo "<tr><td>{$k}</td><td>{$v}</td></tr>";
> Do I have several arrays or a multidim array?
you create a single array for each line of the csv file. each array
contains one item. what you have done is assign the first field's value as the key of the
array item, and the second field's value as the array items value.
$t = array( "R" => "ABC company"); // array with 1 item, using associative key
var_dump($t[ "R" ],$t[ 0 ]);
$t = array( "R" , "ABC company"); // array with 2 items, using implicit numeric keys
var_dump($t[ "R" ],$t[ 0 ]);
> Thanks for any guidance
>>>>"Richard Lynch" <ceo@l-i-e.com> 03/15/05 10:39AM >>>
>>I'm trying to manipulate a text(.csv) file using php. I've read the file
>>and can print each line,
>> but I need to write where column A is missing
>>ColumnA ColumnB
>>R ABC company
>> ABC company
>> ABC company
>> ABC company
>>O XYZ company
>> XYZ company
>> XYZ company
>> XYZ company
>>What I need to do is write a while loop (I think) to interate through the
>>lines and populate ColumnA
>>while ColumnB equals $var (ABC company, XYZ company), so that I end up
>>ColumnA ColumnB
>>R ABC company
>>R ABC company
>>R ABC company
>>R ABC company
>>O XYZ company
>>O XYZ company
>>O XYZ company
>>O XYZ company
>>Is this possible. What I've got so far to print out the file:
>>$lines = file('test2.csv');
> $category = '';
>>// Loop through our array, and show line and numbers too.
>>foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
>> echo "Line #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . $line . "<br />\n";
> //Assuming it's the FIRST character of each line that has space or category:
> //Check first character:
> if ($line[0] != ' ' && $line[0] != "\t"){
> $category = $line[0];
> }
> echo "$category\t", trim(substr($line, 1)), "<br />\n";
>>Thanks in advance
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