Posted by Dikkie Dik on 12/29/05 17:34
If you use mysql_fetch_array($wynik,MYSQL_NUM)
you can write $wiersz[0] to access the value.
Also, if the value contains spaces, your option HTML will probably not
work as expected.
Leszek wrote:
> Hi.
> How can I get just one row from selected column and put it into html
> dropdown list
> I tried like this:
> function pobierz_wszystko($tabela,$kolumna)
> {
> $zapytanie="SELECT $kolumna FROM $tabela";
> $wynik=mysql_query($zapytanie);
> while($wiersz=mysql_fetch_array($wynik,MYSQL_ASSOC))
> {
> echo "<option value=$wiersz>$wiersz</option> <br />";
> }
> }
> <select name="$hname">
> <option value="*" selected >All</option>
> <?php
> pobierz_wszystko('hotel','hotel_nazwa');
> ?>
> </select>
> But it doesn't work properly because I'm getting a dropdown list with
> All,and Array,Array,Array,Array,Array
> Instead of Array I'd like to have a value from a row.
> Is it because I'm using mysql_fetch_array($wynik,MYSQL_ASSOC)?
> or maybe the query is wrong?
> Thanks
> Leszek
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