Reply to Re: <select multiple>

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Posted by Carl on 12/29/05 02:50

Sunny wrote:
> Hi
> In a form I use a multiple selection section.
> <select name="Xes" multiple><option
> name="some_indexed_id">some_text</option>
> How can I retrieve all the choices made in that <select> ?
> $_POST["Xes"] only gives one value even if I choose many.
> Thanks


I think you want your from to look more like this:

<select name="Xes[]" multiple>
<option value="1">some_text</option>
<option value="2" >other_text</option>
<option value="3">more_text</option>

Notice that only the select tag has the name property, and the options
only have value properties. Also, notice the '[]' at the end of the
select name property value.

After submitting this form, check the value of $_POST['Xes']( or
$_GET['Xes'] if your form action is "get"), which will contain an array
of the values selected.

Hope that helps,

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