Reply to Re: smtp and webmail

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Posted by Damian Burrin on 12/30/05 01:44

>if you haven't tried this already

Thanks Carl,

yes tried this and i can get a banner for both smtp and pop3

In the mail-servers settings you can set the following:-

outgoing smtp fine and dandy :-)
email collection (this is multinets primary collection method) i've got set
to smtp and multinet happliy listens and collects emails and distributes
them to the mail boxes.

There is also an option for multinet to collect its emails by pop3 and then
you have to point it at a pop3 server. Now this isn't what i want to do.
The email server works happilly i just want my users to be able to collect
email via a web interface.

Multinet do have a web portal but its very poor and limited. It's also an
exe and runs as a webserver on the mailserver.

Begining to think i'm buggered :-(


Damian Burrin
UKRA 1159 Level 2 RSO
EARS 1115

LARF - Putting the amateur back in rocketry!!

"Carl" <_Nospam_@_DO_NOT_.USE> wrote in message
> Damian Burrin wrote:
>>>See rfc2821 for more details on the simple mail transfer protocol
>>>(particularly section 2.3.3)
>> Thanks i'd seen that. And you've confirmed what i initally thought.
>> Therefore Terrapin's Multinet must do something very unusual. It's
>> definatly not using imap or pop 3 to access the mailboxes. I've got a
>> configurable php webmail client i hacked together a while ago and that
>> accesses my imap based and pop3 based mailboxes quite happily but it
>> won't touch this one. using either imap or pop i just get the cannot
>> open stream errors.
>> when i access my email from the multinet box using outlook i use the
>> mailservers ip for both the pop and smtp server and just give it the
>> mailbox id ass the account and obvoisly the password to.
>> Really not sure how this thing is giving access to the mail-boxes then.
>> Thanks
>> Damian
> Damian,
> The 'technical' docs on their website indicate that it is indeed running a
> pop3 server, though the text on that page is a bit confusing. see:
> You might want to try to telnet to port 110 on your mail machine and see
> if you get a banner if you haven't tried this already.
> Cheers,
> Carl.

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