Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 01/03/06 21:14
On Tue, 03 Jan 2006 20:06:07 +0100, Lüpher Cypher
<lupher.cypher@verizon.net> wrote:
> Barbara de Zoete wrote:
>> No, they are essentially different. Really. In the second table the
>> data in the spans are logically still in one data cell. In the first
>> example the data is split up, logically, and put into two seperate data
>> cells.
> Well, would it really make difference? You simply use the first table
> for logic separation of data
I thought one was _not_ supposed to separate the data. The data is in one
data cell and I presume it is there, in one cell, for a reason, and thus
is supposed to logically stay in one data cell. That is why I think you
shouldn't be making two data cells of it (still, if subsiding to table
layout, all of this goes out of the window of course).
> and the second for layout of data :)
See? :-)
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