Posted by "Mattias Segerdahl" on 01/03/06 09:20
There is no native support in php for this today. That said, it's not
impossible to do. There are two different approaches you can take. The easy
one, is to use PDoru's patch at http://pdoru.from.ro/
The second one, which I experimented with the other week, is to set the
wrong enctype, receive the file yourself and use a dhtml technique to keep
track off the upload.
http://se.php.net/manual/sv/function.apache-request-headers.php gives you
the content-length to start with, all you need to do, is to work with the
raw post data yourself. You could even use curl to locally post it into
$_FILES once you've received it.
What I'm saying is, it's possible, but it's really ugly.
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Martin Zvarík [mailto:mzvarik@gmail.com]
Skickat: den 2 januari 2006 22:30
Till: php-general@lists.php.net
Ämne: [PHP] Upload with process meter
is it possible to upload a file and see the process of uploading (before
the file is uploaded, there is something showing from 0% to 100%) using
PHP and Javascript ? I saw some applications in Perl and mostly in JAVA,
but I also found out something about some extension for PHP, but i think
it wasn't complete at that time.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge about this... :)
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