Posted by Davmon on 11/19/88 11:36
Jukka K. Korpela arranged shapes to form:
> Davémon <"davémon"@nospam.com> wrote:
>>>> the attribute align="left" should work fine,
>>> Pardon? For what?
>> Aligning text left, or "right".
> I still don't see how you would align text right (as requested by the OP)
> using align="left".
>>> It is possible to make standards-conforming browsers align the cells
>>> using just CSS, without need to throw attributes here and there and mess
>>> up the markup.
>> Have attributes been depreciated or something?
> Yes. Didn't you know this? The align attribute in <td> does not belong to the
> deprecated (sic) attributes at present,
So "no they haven't been deprecated" is the answer to the question.
> but it's still a presentational
> attribute and therefore frowned upon in structured HTML authoring.
unfortunately purely structural HTML limits what is achievable, therefore
the need to /occasionally/ use presentational markup, /when required/.
> That was
> not my point, though. My point was that adding an attribute into a large
> number of <td> elements makes the markup less legible and is inconvenient to
> produce and manage in many situations, though good authoring tools might
> help. Think about a table with a hundred rows and ten columns, with most
> columns in need of aligning to the right.
then td {text-align:right} then make a class for the left-aligned ones.
>>> td:first-child + td + td, td:first-child + td + td + td ,
>>> td:first-child + td + td + td + td {
>>> text-align: right; }
>> That's just bonkers,
> I said it's verbose. But the awkwardness is isolated into one part of a style
> sheet,
unless the table is being built dynamically, when it would be completely
unworkable. Or if the table was hundreds of rows/columns long when you'd
need to have a hugely bloated css file full of +td, which is only going to
work in the most modern browsers anyway.
> and the markup can be simple and logical: just <td>42</td> instead of
> <td align="right">42</td> or <td class="numeric">42</td> for (perhaps)
> hundreds of cells.
Why is it more important to have "simple and logical" HTML than both
"simple and logical" CSS and HTML?
>> surely just throwing a class attribute in and single
>> css declaration would be cleaner.
> How would <td class="numeric"> be cleaner than <td align="right">?
I didn't say it would be. I said it would be cleaner than +td *1000 in the
CSS, but the class method is more flexible and semantic, so preferable.
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