Posted by "M. Sokolewicz" on 01/11/06 19:16
zerof wrote:
> William Stokes escreveu:
>> Hello,
>> Can I get pixel sizes from a uploaded web applicable image with PHP? I
>> mean width and height as pixels. If so How?
>> Thanks
>> -Will
> ------
> ----
> zerof
what would the chance be that the OP actually knows Portuguese and could
read that? rather small if you ask me... Just to help those that don't
have a clue what the link links to, it links to a page describing the
getimagesize function (in portuguese). It might have been more helpful
to post a simple link to the PHP manual, or even just name the function
to use. But that's just my opinion on this matter.
We all appreciate the fact that you try to share your knowledge, and
help the OP.
- tul
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