Posted by MaKroZ on 01/13/06 04:46
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006 19:11:04 -0600, John Doe wrote:
> I am running into a problem installing php website packages such as
> SugarCRM, OpenSharepoint, etc. The same type of problems occur, no
> matter what the package is. Here is what happens. I unpack the files
> into my webserver, and rename the directory "CRM" When I go to whatever
> page I get errors that such and such file can not be found. For example,
> this is what I get when I go to install.php
> Warning: main(include/utils/security_utils.php): failed to open stream:
> No such file or directory in /srv/www/htdocs/crm/include/utils.php on
> line 32
> The system is Suse 10 (Apache2).
I guess the issue is in upper-lower-case directory names. "CRM" is not the
same as "srm" in Linux (Unix) systems. Does it make sense?
nn = MaKroZ =
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