Reply to RE: [PHP] Preorder Modified Tree Traversal

Your name:


Posted by Matt Babineau on 03/24/05 20:49

Yeah, I read this article, and it works, but it doesn't set you up for a
drill down scenario...

Matt Babineau
p: 858.733.0160

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris W. Parker []
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 8:55 AM
To: Burhan Khalid; Matt Babineau
Subject: RE: [PHP] Preorder Modified Tree Traversal

Burhan Khalid <>
on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 10:25 PM said:

> Sitepoint has a great article that has PHP snippets on both pmtt and
> the "flat" drill-down method.

I would like to add that this is the article where I found out about pmtt.
It's also the article where I got the functions for traversing/adjusting
pmtt. In other words, the building blocks for whatever you need regarding
pmtt are probably in that article. (At least that was the case for me.)


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