Posted by Barry on 01/20/06 15:52
James Benson wrote:
> Im running into the followng error when trying to use fsockopen with the
> openssl extension,
> Warning: fsockopen(): php_stream_sock_ssl_activate_with_method: failed
> to create an SSL context
> Warning: fsockopen(): failed to activate SSL mode 1
> Socket Error: Operation now in progress
> Anyone have any clues as to what this may be or why its happening?
> Perhaps a compile problem, anyway, I probably will try 4.4.0 because ive
> not made any changes to the script for a few months but have upgraded to
> 4.4.2 recently then get this error, very suspicious i think?
> James
Seems like he can't start TLS.´
Have you tried a newer version of PHP than 4.4.2?
If so, i would like to know what happened.
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