Posted by Phillip Kyle on 09/17/05 23:27 (Peter Parsnip) verbally sodomised in
> Be still! and revere Steve Leyland, who blessed us with their presence
> on 17 Sep 2005...
>> Hello Sean Monaghan, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can
>> hear me. Is there anyone at home?
>>: Gerald Newton wrote:
>>:: The meow boys and girls hang out there. All the one's that
>>:: destroying newsgroups where we adults seem to enjoy carry on their
>>:: kiddy chat there. So drive the hell out of the miserable punks (and
>>:: they are punks - I saw links to pictures there to prove it)
>>:: I am having difficulty in finding the morphing name assignment
>>:: location. It appears that they have a pool of names that they use
>>:: for assignments. One day Chadwick Stone is cujo the next sean
>>:: monaghan, and the next smallfoot. This musical chairs goes on at
>>:: random, I suppose.
>>:: Here is a partial list of the names they use:
>>:: sean monaghan
>>:: Art Deco
>>:: Cujo DeSockpuppet
>>:: Chadwick Stone
>>:: PJR
>>:: Aratzio
>>:: Wood Chuck Bill
>>:: Just Taylor
>>:: Dr. Flonkenstein
>>:: Tom Mosher
>>:: smallfoot
>>:: Bookman
>>:: Sharon B
>>:: Pinku-Sensei
>>: You need to update your Lits O' Haet, G-Dolf.
>> pleace to be adding me to this lits. TIA.
> It is very old.
Like the average age of a DL old skooler.
Phil Kyle
"Be very aware that my willingness
to continue to criticise your sig
is infinite." -- Neil Barker
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