Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 11/14/79 11:28
"rf" <@invalid.com> skrev i meddelandet
> Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> > Besides, I had rather gone into a course for Chinese at the moment but
> there
> > were many people who wanted to do that so I am learning it myself..
> Since I deal with many clients in Hong Kong and China and Taiwan I thought
> it might be a good idea to learn some Chinese (either flavour).
> My Hong Kong distributor told me *not* to. "Westerners", not growing up
> the tonal aspects of Asian languages, and trying to learn Chinese,
> invariably learn just enough to insult their listeners.
> Change the tone of a few "words" and you are not buying a dim sim, you are
> suggesting the dim sim sellers parents were not married at the time of his
> conception:-)
As far as I know Chinese has 4 tones. It can be easy to use the wrong one.
But I think it is good to learn Chinese, anyway. I have learnt it for
several years but slowly.
Luigi Donatello Asero
(sono italiano ma vivo in Svezia)
(я итальянец но я живу в Швеции )
(我是 意大利人 , 但是 我 住 在 瑞典)
(minä olen Italian kansalainen, mutta minä asun Ruotsissa)
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