Reply to Re: apache 1 vs 2 w/php

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Posted by Lester Caine on 01/05/05 12:03

Sebastian wrote:

> I am undecided whether to upgrade to apache 2 (currently running 1.3.33)
> I've heard some bad stuff (some good maybe) about using apache 2 with php..
> does anyone have an opinions?

General opinion is if Apache1 is working stick with it. I'm using
Apache2 and never installed Apache1 so can't compare. The main
development effort is focused only on Apache1 support though.

> I know everything has cons/pros but i am just looking for advice on whether
> my site will benifit from the upgrade. I'm curious to know if a site that
> normally sees 300-500 users online would see any improvements.

That would be nice information to find out, but does not seem to be

> any on going issues? is php faster/slower? downsides? advantages? anything
> in general that can help me decide.

If you have a working Apache1 setup leave it alone for the time being.
And watch out for movement, perhaps next year?

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services

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