Posted by Jake on 10/03/05 12:25
In message <DoZ%e.147600$dP1.504788@newsc.telia.net>, Luigi Donatello
Asero <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> writes
>"Jake" <jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk> skrev i meddelandet
>> In message <GS1Ye.34315$d5.189676@newsb.telia.net>, Luigi Donatello
>> Asero <jaggillarfotboll@telia.com> writes
>> >I know that my website
>> >https://www.scaiecat-spa-gigi.com
>> On entering the site, I clicked on 'English' and was taken to the
>> introduction page:
>> http://www.gododdin.demon.co.uk/newg/LUIGI01X.JPG (94k)
>> Things to note:
>> (1) Good use of headings for navigation.
>> (2) The menus have no separators between the links,
>What do you mean by "separators"?
>which means that
>> they are going to be read as a long sequence of words, rather than a
>> selection of individual entries. This doesn't make the entries
>> completely inaccessible (as they can be extracted from a 'list of
>> links') but would be much more accessible with separators -- or as
>> lists.
>I thought I had made unordered lists, actually.
<div class="subsection" id="interior-decoration-and-presents">
<h2>Interior decoration and presents</h2>
<a href="underconstruction">Swedish furniture</a>
<a href="underconstruction.html">Articles of glass</a>
<a href="underconstruction.html">Bracelets</a>
<a href="underconstruction.html">Necklaces</a>
No ....... no list here.
>> (3) Although I entered an 'English-version' page, I can still hear the
>> occasional incomprehensible words and phrases: Sok, Afterstall, etc.
>> I wouldn't expect to hear these.
>You are right. I am going to correct this later.
>> (4) Where you have words or phrases in a language other than English,
>> you should mark them up with the appropriate 'lang' entry to ensure
>> those AT UAs that can do so, will speak them correctly.
>Should I use the <lang> attribute for that?
>> (5) You have a sentence in German. Is it relevant? If so, what does it
>> mean?
>Where? After which words in English?
>You wrote an image file but it is not very easy for me to read it because
>the text which is shown is little ( and I am tired too)
>> (6) As others have pointed out, I'm not sure that many people would
>> appreciate the 'php version' or 'html' version .... and why they should
>> make a choice.
>This is a strategic choice due more to problems which have to do with the
>construction of the website itself.
The average visitor doesn't know, and doesn't care.
>Some pages have only a version.
>> (7) I'm not sure what the 'Please choose you language' section is there
>> for, as I entered the page having selected 'English'.
>That is because I do not know from which page the user is coming.
>He may have found the english page first but be more fluent in another
Then put the links into the page to ensure they're positioned
(logically) at the end of the page. I.e. They're the last things heard
-- so that they don't take away attention from the rest of the page.
>> (8) At some stage, you should get your text checked by a native English
>> speaker as the content, although comprehensible, contains phraseology
>> alien to English speakers ;-)
>Some examples?
>There may be cases where some specialistic words are known only to people
>who are specifically interested in a certain sector....
>Also, I only have a one-man business so I cannot afford spending much money
>and I have to try to do myself as much as I can
>> Let me know if you want me to look at the other pages.
>You may do it if you want to but please, take into account that most english
>are under construction.
>There are much more pages in Swedish and Italian which are already
BTW. There seem to be problems with the 'Search Engine' ... I'll have a
closer look.
Jake (jake@gododdin.demon.co.uk -- just a 'spam trap' mail address)
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