Reply to Re: VOTE! Usenet Kook Awards, September 2005

Your name:


Posted by Yomamma Bin Crawdaddin on 01/08/10 11:28

On 03 Oct 2005 14:15:45 GMT, ThePsyko <>

>On 02 Oct 2005 in alt.2600, (Yomamma Bin Crawdaddin)
>made their contribution to mankind by stating in
>> On 02 Oct 2005 15:33:52 GMT, ThePsyko <>
>> wrote:
>>>On 02 Oct 2005 in alt.hackers.malicious, PJR
>>><> made their contribution to mankind by
>>>stating in
>>>> On 1 Oct 2005 23:17:48 -0700, Pinku-Sensei <>
>>>> wrote in alt.usenet.kooks:
>>>>> Aratzio wrote:
>>>>>> On Sat, 1 Oct 2005 22:56:22 -0500, "Jack Gillen"
>>>>>> <> got double secret probation because:
>>>>>>> "Terrence Cooter" <fly_cooter_@example.localhost> wrote in
>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>> <nutbucketry purged>
>>>>>>>>>> 72 RAISINS "CRACKPOT RELIGION" AWARD (Vote for one.)
>>>>>>>>>> Dore Williamson
>>>>>>>>>> Lightwing, alias his_elect_07
>>>>>>>>>> Jack Gillen X
>>>>>>> *Ding*! It's my first ding, everybody!!!!
>>>>>> This looks to be a Usenet Valhalla point. Keep track of them and
>>>>>> at ten you get a Ten Gallon Sombrer0.
>>>>> Let's see if I qualify.
>>>>>> 1. Fake Ko0k Awards/Nominations.
>>>>> Flyboi
>>>> It's been a while since anybody posted a fake ballot and fake
>>>> results. Kooks these days are lazy.
>>>>>> 2. Lits O'haet (web shites count too)
>>>>>> From recogized kooks:
>>>>> Steve "Bowtie" Young
>>>>> David Tholen
>>>>> Brad Guth
>>>>> Sylvia Sullivan
>>>>> Flyboi
>>>>> Joseph Bartlo
>>>>> Gerald Newton
>>>>> Jason "JJayBoyd" Plawner (although he's a feeble lits maker)
>>>>>> From unrecognized kooks (these generally use my legal name, not my
>>>>>> nym
>>>>> here on AUK, although Catherine is being trained to include
>>>>> "Pinku-sensei"):
>>>>> Catherine Burr (I've been on her litses since 2001)
>>>>> Gillian "Galaxy Fraulein Bad Karma" Von Karmann
>>>> Burr is definitely a kook. I want to know more about Karmann.
>>>>>> 3. Leaky Killfilters
>>>>> The kooks on RAMD don't claim to have me killfiled.
>>>>>> 4. Fan Boi newsfroups (fuck off PJR & Dowap)
>>>>> Nope.
>>>> Where is Biffie the Snuhtard when we need him?
>>>>>> Prolly more
>>>>> Insults and flames from the following recognized kooks:
>>>>> Ken Pangborn*
>>>>> Tom Bishop*
>>>>> Lightwing*
>>>>> Charles Bohne
>>>>> Barbara Schartz
>>>>> Colonel Jake*
>>>>> *There might be a lits or two buried in here, somewhere.
>>>> Insults and flames don't count, but RL threats do.
>>>So I need to start X-psotting all the "I'm gonna buy a bus ticket and
>>>come kick your ass" type posts so they can count? lol
>>>hmm.. where IS delgado anyway?
>> He's on your side of the country.
>Well he was SUPPOSED to come kick my ass a few years ago.. what was that
>excuse he used? Oh yeah, he suddenly got a job.

Yeah but, sucking off sailors during
fleet week don't last years Bro....
Yomamma bin Crawdaddin
Brotherhood (Vice Chairman)
Anti Archangel #41 The difference between John Kerry and Ted Kennedy is
Stalking Filth #69.5 that Ted Kennedy has at least one confirmed kill.

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