Posted by Sycho on 11/18/83 11:28
Today Crawdad@Bayou.com (Yomamma Bin Crawdaddin) opened a dead sea
scroll and found these words written therein..
>>>>Today "Sean Monaghan" <sean@petitmorte.net> opened a dead sea scroll
>>>>and found these words written therein..
>>>>>Both of you, Sycho and Crawdad, made an even better Cooter Lits O'Haet
>>>>>- he added both of you as write-in candidates to his modified AUK
>>>>>[See the Vote! thread I crossposted into AHM/A26/AAVFFF]
>>>>So Crawdad gets an honorable mention too??
>>>>Did ya hear that, bro?? Ya made it on da lits!!! Ummmm.. w00t? lol
>>>Did he write a paragraph o chit bout me too?
>>>Or wuzzit just my nym?
>>I dunno. I'm gunna have to Google that one cuz I never saw it.
>I think you is jess shining me....
>I never made no lits....
I don't see it either. :( *sad sigh* lol It breaks my widdle black
Hey, I was thinking of something earlier.. If I were a rag head, I
could legally change my name to oSycho bin Hakkin hahahahahaha
God help me I think I've lost my mind yet again.. :)
And they said unto Jesus, "How the hell did you do that?!"
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