Posted by Rincewind on 11/11/95 11:28
On Tue, 4 Oct 2005 16:50:33 -0700, Neredbojias wrote:
> Can't say that I blame you. Maybe in their minds they are trying to get
> even for Caesar's dominion over them in heraldic times but they should
> be content with the knowledge that the mighty emperor has been reduced
> to no greater status than being the titular head of a salad!
Heraldic times were during the middle ages, around 1000AD to 1300AD, Caesar
was 100 - 44 BC the two don't overlap by about a thousand years.
Caesar was a Roman not an Italian, don't know where Luigi is from, but in
his myriad postings I seem to remember Milan being mentioned, but I'm not
too sure, Italy as such didn't exist back in his day, and Romans were as
happy killing of Italian tribes as they were anyone else.
As for Luigi being beaten up, maybe It was because he showed them his
website, and Germans being renowned seagull lovers, didn't appreciate them
being referred to as garbage!
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