Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 10/02/45 11:28
[ Please do attribute your quotes ]
On Wed, 05 Oct 2005 22:38:42 +0200, Jemdam.com <noemail@nospamplease.com> wrote:
#>> You have to, since the site you present has over 500 errors in its markup.
>> <http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pubtricks.com%2F> The
>> page is a markup nightmare.
> I write my HTML by hand and don't use all the tags.
Writing markup by hand usually prevents bogus code. In your case it doesn't seem
to work though. But then again, that is only true for authors who understand
what markup is about. Your code is very sloppy and doesn't show any
understanding of what you're doing.
> The tags in font and img
> for example are optional
Font and Image are elements. <font> And <img> are the opening tags for those, in
html. The Font as element is depricated in relevant versions of html, BTW. What
you mean to say is that _attributes_ are optional.
And, no, you're wrong. Some attributes are not optional for some elements,
although you can set their value to zero or leave it empty. It depends on what
doctype you choose to use for your markup what elements can be used and which
attributes are allowed or even obligatory. Since you didn't set any, the
validator chose the most common, being HTML4.01 Transitional. That is a very
lenient doctype. Having over 500 errors with that doctype really says it all,
> and the markup test you have used thinks a lack of
> an alt is an error which is total rubbish.
Sure it is. Hush, don't let the ISO people here about it, that their standards
are rubbish. Don't spread the word in the W3C, for you will make their world
come down.
> The HTML coming out of
> dreamweaver etc is so heavy, it is full of so much un-needed code.
You have a strange perception on markup validation, editors like dreamweaver and
what rubbish is. Remember what usenet group you're in at the moment. A group
about markup, about html. Read a bit, say a week back. Try figuring out what
matters for people who participate in this group.
Never mind. Enjoy your life. Byebye
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| webontwerp | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/webontwerp.html |
|zweefvliegen | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/vliegen.html |
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