Posted by rf on 10/13/05 12:54
Jarek wrote:
> rf wrote:
>> Jarek wrote:
>> What ever you achive with "fixed size buttons" some of your readers will
>> resize their font so the text *will* escape the fixed size.
> I want to display some text on background image, like here:
> <div style="background-image: url(image.png); width:100px; height: 50px;
> text-align:center; line-height:50px;" onclick="someaction">
> Some text
> </div>
No, you don't. Well, you might want to but you don't need to.
You could explore display: inline-block but this doesn't work with IE.
However if you do this then your page *will* break when somebody changes
her font size. It might not break if you dimension the box using em rather
then px.
It looks very much like you really want an <a> element here. onclick is
javascript and so will not work with a proportion of your viewers. If it is
for something like navigation then it is a flaw.
> But I want to use it inline, just like <img ...> or <span...>
> I hope now it is clear.
No. You failed to answer these questions:
<back/> Whey do you need these buttons and why did you decide on "buttons"?
<back/> What is the pardigm you are trying to convey to your user? What is
the overall concept you are trying to convey?
Where is what you have so far? URL? Where is your "back of the envelope"
sketch of what you want? Even a picture might be adequate.
There are probably millions of pages out there that are doing what you are.
There are probably dozens of people here who could point you to exactly
what you want, if we only knew what you wanted, othere than simply putting
text inside a fixed box.
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