Posted by Jochem Maas on 10/14/62 11:05
Zouari Fourat wrote:
> if it was js, where's the code ? i didnt find it in the source of
> google.com and i havent notated any frame/iframe
your not looking very hard:
first off you need to look in the source of the actual page which you
pointed the list to (thanks for that btw, I had not seen this new beta
widget of googles before!).
somewhere in the source is the following:
<SCRIPT src="/ac.js"></SCRIPT>
I haven't checked it - but I'm willing to bet that ac.js contains the
relevant magic....
AFAIKS they have 2 other scripts on that page, but they don't seem to be
directly involved:
function sf(){document.f.q.focus();}
// -->
function qs(el) {if (window.RegExp && window.encodeURIComponent) {var
qe=encodeURIComponent(document.f.q.value);if (el.href.indexOf("q=")!=-1)
{el.href=el.href.replace(new RegExp("q=[^&$]*"),"q="+qe);} else
{el.href+="&q="+qe;}}return 1;}
// -->
have fun working out exactly what they do :-)
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 11:22:26 +0100, Jochem Maas <jochem@iamjochem.com> wrote:
>>Zouari Fourat wrote:
>>>last days i've seen on php dot net site that the search engine has
>>>impleted a new autocomplete option that was disabled soon.
>>>anyone know why did they disable it ? is there any disadvantage with that ?
>>AFAIK it was a major resource hit.
>>The complete source of the php.net site is available; and you can view
>>the CVS history via a web iterface:
>>I would suggest searching that for the code.
>>>i'm interested in the autocomplete option with inputs, i used it with
>>>pear : HTML_QuickForm but wasnt enough good like what i saw on php.net
>>>and what u can see on http://www.google.com/webhp?complete=1
>>>anyone know how to do that ? wich technologie is used over it ?
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