Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 11/02/05 09:35
On Tue, 1 Nov 2005 22:52:01 +0000, not_in_use@btinternet.com (Peter
Hayes) wrote:
>> >You couldn't read a bone-standard MP4. When you get a decent system,
>> >write back.
>> LOL
>> When you stop being stupid, write back:
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/workin01.jpg
>Why is there a fan sitting in front of the monitor?
Because I was in the process of making some aesthetic changes (adding
in lighted fans) as well as doing a bunch of data backup and transfer
stuff (that's why the cases are open), etc, etc.
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/workin02.jpg
>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_images/workin03.jpg
>The racket must be unbelievable, with those uncased machines. Right in
>your lug hole too. Not a good working environment.
....no, see I don't buy shit hardware, the fans are actually very
quiet. And that's not my regular working environment anyway, that
setup was just for doing backups, transfers, clean up and
reinstallations (hardware and software). Essentially every year I
give my systems the equivalent of a complete overhaul, that's what
you're seeing in those pics.
>> What the fuck kind of system do you have, Junior?
>A PowerBook G4 plus an AMD PC that does the grunt work.
Wow...so basically you have shit hardware...oh but that's okay, I mean
it's not like you're producing anything so I guess you're mildly
intelligent for not buying more computer than what you need.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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