Reply to Re: [PHP] Re: Get name of extending class with static method call

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Posted by Jochem Maas on 09/29/15 11:05

Jason Barnett wrote:
> Indeed! I was actually quite surprised that this wasn't the way
> __CLASS__ resolved... I had to code it to believe it (and I didn't even
> do that until after you told us __CLASS__ didn't work!)
>> I would like to thank all of those that cared about my problem and
>> tried to
>> find a solution by providing a wide variety of ideas. Thank you very
>> much!!!
>> Do you think it would be wise to ask for help on php-dev?

I'll put money on that they say "won't do it" and then tell you to read
the archives of php-internals as to why.

I originally hit this problem when I started to write a PHP5 based
framework at the end of 2003. during the time since then I have
watched/read quite a few threads on this subject.

I strongly suggest you brew a big pot of coffee and sit down for a few
(lots??) hours to read thru what has been discussed on php-internals,
you might start with:

> Perhaps the way to go about this would be to make a "feature request" on
> It does seem like something that should be a part of the
> language.

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