Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 11/07/05 08:33
dorayme wrote:
>>From: "Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net>
>>>Strikes me that maybe another way to go for the OP is to have no
>>>border at all on the table itself, just td borders, something I
>>>do myself quite often. With or without cell spacing (done either
>>>css or cellspacing ="#" in the <table...>. The OP can adapt your
>>>good sounding advice to the td if he wants?
>>TABLE { border: 0; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 15px; }
>>TH, TD { border: 3px inset #ffd700; }
>>Like rows of little framed paintings ;-)
> Well, if that is what he might want. I do this myself /without/
> any cellspacing and I get nice tables with borders - like a
> simple spreadsheet. (I don't use this fancy border-collapse or
> border spacing at all though, and my tables never seem to
> suffer? Maybe I better post a table if this is all suspicious to
> you? Maybe I will learn something. Maybe I better take a closer
> look at what all the browsers are doing to my simple-minded (?)
> tables)
No, no, not suspicious as all. My only point was that you can control
the cellspacing, cellpadding and borders with CSS rather than with HTML
attributes. In fact you have more granularity of control.
Take care,
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