Posted by WilliamWMeyer on 12/02/01 11:31
Thanks for the response, Andy.
The URL is www.songsthatsoundlikeothersongs.com
The html files are in the site's root folder on the server, the sound files
are in a subfolder of the root called "\clips"
In the code these are referenced "relative"-ly: <a
href="..\clips\DontLetGo-Hearbreaker.MP3">play soundalike clip</a>
Like I said, I had it working as expected in an earlier version. (That
version had other problems -- hand-coded only, but only worked properly in
IE. Now I'm using nvu, which makes it work also in Firefox [who knows about
others]. Why the cross-browser thing works now when it didn't before, I
don't understand.)
"Andy Dingley" <dingbat@codesmiths.com> wrote in message
> On Tue, 8 Nov 2005 18:56:03 -0500, "WilliamWMeyer"
>>When I put the html file on my site, and open it from my site with
>>my browser it DOESN'T play.
> Tell us the URL - we're not psychic.
> Chances are that you have a URL of "C:\foo\bar\bat.noise" When you
> open this locally the browser applies the default file: protocol and
> retrieves it from the filesystem. When you do it remotely from the
> server the page is retrieve by http and so the default protocol for the
> sound link is http:C:\foo\bar\bat.noise which is of course invalid.
> Besides which, you need to upload the sound files to the server and give
> them sensible URLs if anyone other than you is expected to be able to
> play them.
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