Posted by Steve Pugh on 10/26/75 11:31
Tony Vella wrote:
> Must be a senior moment: I'm having problems doing something in frames I've
> done a hundred times. Can someone help, please?
> - 3 columns: a, b and c.
> - columns b must be 660, a and c share the rest (*,660,*) ??
> - column b to be split in 2 rows: top and bottom
> - top to be 660x220 no resize
> - bottom to be split into 2 columns: 60 and 600.
> Would someone please write it out for me as I can't figure out what I'm
> doing wrong.
Using frames is usually a bad idea. Using five frames is almost
certainly a bad idea.
But if you really want to...
<frameset cols="*,660,*">
<frame name="a" src="a.html">
<frameset rows="220,*">
<frame name="btop" src="btop.html">
<frameset cols="60,600">
<frame name="bleft" src="bleft.html">
<frame name="bright" src="bright.html">
<frame name="c" src="c.html">
Content to allow use of site by users who can't or don't use the
Obviously you would give your frames meaningful names rather than a,
btop, etc. Pick names that describe what the frames contain rather than
where they appear (so Navigation is good but Left is bad).
Then read past discussion in this group to discover all the extra work
you need to go to make your framed site as usable as an unframed site.
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