Posted by dave hillstrom on 11/15/05 01:49
On 13 Nov 2005 13:40:01 +0100, in alt.usenet.kooks,
<>, Fly Cooter <> humped my
leg thusly:
>dave hillstrom <DaVe@MeOw.OrG> wrote in
>> i feel like laughing today.
>You goons never cease to surprise me. I just came back from Mexico to
>find that I'm being obsessed over AGAIN. Such sad lives you all must
>lead. I probably lost 3 pounds from all the sex I had and another pound
>in jizz, while the rest of you got fat talking about me.
come to me my leetel slave boi. come lick my black leather boot and fix my
dinner for me.
dave hillstrom
Vote Dave Hillstrom for Whining Whinger in AUK November 2005
the belgians are STILL thieves. Heinous! alWaYs keePinG heR
locKed Up likE a Gor SLAVE GirL!!! NaStY, nAuGhTy BeLgIaNs!!!11!
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