Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 11/16/05 08:43
On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 18:35:45 -0600, Noodles Jefferson
<silverbells@tacoshells.com> wrote:
>> >And there's nothing wrong with that. But to be perfectly honest, you
>> >could use a little guidance. You've got some wrong ideas about how to go
>> >about creating websites.
>> According to who?
D00d, you've made like ONE website and it's shit, you're hardly in any
position to be telling people what they should and shouldn't be doing.
>> My sites look better and function better than the
>> majority of sites on the Inet, Kiddo.
>Define function. Can I get up to the minute news on your site? Buy a T-
>shirt. Do a search? Play a game?
What makes you think anyone on the whole of the fucking PLANET would
go to your run down shit site for up to the minute news when they can
just go directly to the source: www.cnn.com
Fuckin DUH. And if you wanted to run a search: www.google.com
Fuckin DUH. As for "buying a t-shirt" and "playing a game", come on
fool, don't be stupid.
>Basically this is the functionality in your page.
....no, you can't actually do any of those things on any of my SITES.
>You can read things on a couple of pages. You can click to get something
>from a link and....that's about it.
Well that's the whole point, Stupid, my sites don't try to do anything
that they don't need to, I don't need silly little hoo ha and
bullshit. Honestly, why don't you add a fuckin temperature display
and daily calendar to your shit while you're at it, LOL.
>Shit, I can do that and I didn't even need flash and an iframe for it.
Oh boy, there ya go molesting the iframe again. Do you even KNOW what
an iframe is, Stupid?
>I'll give you look. You make a nice picture. Your links work. Hooray.
>That's what's supposed to happen.
You can watch video on my several of my sites...original stuff at
that...oh, I win! ^_^
And then if you wanna talk about the CB site, *whistles*, we're talkin
over 200 megs worth of content, Sunshine. Might not be too appealing
to you, but teh kiddies like it...well, you are a kiddie though, so I
guess maybe you would like it.
>But it's not easily updatable,
Oh it's very easy to update...well for me. You wouldn't have any
fucking clue as to how to update any of it.
>I'm sure it's not easily maintainable
See above.
>and your download times take f...o...r...e...v...e..r.
Yeah a WHOLE megabyte, WOW that's a lot...*Hatter noticed another
27gig torrent has just finished downloading and snickers at Noodle's
dialup connection*
You're quickly becoming the minority, Junior...
Nobody cares about you. *shrugs*
Making cutting edge sites often means giving the finger to lessers
like you...which the majority of us gladly do.
>I didn't even stick
>around to wait for your battleship battle thingy and I actually wanted
>to see it, because I didn't want to wait 3 minutes on a DSL connection
>for the thing to load up. Unless you have javascript and flash enabled,
>you can't even look at the site anyway.
Well unless you're apart of the 10% of retards that has Javascript
disabled I don't see how it's a problem...well not for me anyway.
>That's not good. You make a neato picture. That alone doesn't make for a
>good site.
Stupid, you don't even HAVE a "good site", let alone know what makes a
good site.
>> Primarily to differentiate between IE for the Mac and IE for the PC,
>> one of which supports direct use of PNG alpha transparent images, the
>> other requires using directx transform filters.
>> You see Noodle Head, it's not that I'm doing something strange or
>> something I don't need to do...
>It is something strange and it's something you shouldn't need to do.
....well yeah, actually it is something I need to do you dribbling
little cluster fuck, if I didn't most of my sites would be completely
inaccessible to dialup kiddies like yourself. Split form image
techniques often require the use of PNG alpha transparencies in order
to pull them off...again though, this is something you have absolutely
no understanding of AT ALL, so I wouldn't expect you to grasp.
>You should have more 'general-purpose' pictures for lack of a better term.
>What I mean by that is, you're serving up two types of pictures based on
>what browser people have. Why not have just one type of picture that
>everyone can see?
Does it hurt to be as DUMB as you? Don't you comprehend that
different browsers/operating systems handle image gamma differently?
>> it's just you can't comprehend the
>> reasoning and function behind it because all you have is book
>> learning...most of the stuff I've done you couldn't find in any book.
>There's no book that told me how to do a three column div layout.
Why do your division layers need to be columns?
>There's no book that had to tell me that people don't want to wait
>forever to see something, nor did any book tell me that people want to
>get information from a site.
Not really much a problem for you in either even since NO ONE EVER
GOES TO YOUR SITE...oh hey, people go to my sites though, despite how
lacking you try and posture them. Funny that, huh? ^_^
>To be honest, I wouldn't want to do the
>things you do on a site. I can get my point across in quicker, more
>efficient ways with content that doesn't make people want to roll their
You can't get any point across when you can't even get people to GO to
your site in the first place ya fuckin goober.
>Your site takes about 10 minutes to go through all the material on
>it. After that, it's done. A twinkie for the eyes. That's about it.
You seem to keep forgetting that I have more than one site, Stupid.
The main Backwater site is more of a portal to all my other sites,
that's the purpose it serves, it doesn't need to do any bullshit or
hoo ha.
>> Wrong, Child. I KNOW that I know more than you, I never claimed to be
>> the all ending definitive source on web coding...but I've certainly
>> done things that NO ONE in the field has ever done before.
>You're not the only person to use flash ever.
Where did I claim I was?
>You're not the only person to put your content in an iframe either.
Oh boy, there's that iframe molestation again. Seriously Junior,
what's with the hard on for iframes? I mean, it's an iframe, it's
like you're bitching about an alt tag or an image tag, it's just a
tag, Stupid, it's not some mystical HTML sekrat weapon or something,
ya fuckin goober.
>You made a background picture
>that resizes itself. Okay but it's just a background picture.
Sorry, Stupid, but it's not the just the background, it's EVERY IMAGE
ELEMENT. Leave it to a fucking retarded deficient like you to think
it was just the background resizing itself, LOL, ANYBODY could do
that, you stupid Goober.
You wanna know how many images are on there?
Look here, Dumbass:
Of course, as out of it as you are you probably can't even tell me WHY
the image parts are split apart like that. Free cl00, if they
weren't, the overall site size would be THREE TIMES what it currently
is. You see kiddo, it's not enough to be able to just "make a pretty
picture", you have to know how to properly encode and split apart
images to achieve the best compression, this however requires highly
specialized web coding in order to put it all back together. See
that's what I mean about my skill level, Kiddo...it requires advanced
understanding of ALL areas, from graphics design, to web coding, to
image encoding, without a mastery of ALL THREE areas of expertise you
couldn't even fuckin DREAM of building sites like mine.
Oh, coincidentally, there are only a VERY small number of people who
actually have all those skills. And I hate to break this to ya, but
it's NOT something you can learn in any school that I'm aware of.
>Chances are nobody will even notice
That's generally the idea, you want the inner workings to appear
seamless. In the end it doesn't matter because only the people who
gots teh skillz can replicate the end effect, despite how easy a
stupid n00b like you thinks it is. Let me put it another
way...you...are not competition. ^_^
>because they'll be too busy looking at other
>stuff on the site. It's nifty but in the big scheme of things, has a
>minimal impact on your site's viewership.
Content is nothing without an appealing interface.
>> Post the code, hell, just go to my main Backwater site and check out
>> the downloads section, Kiddo. Not only have I got a DVD style
>> interface but I've got custom volume controls as well. And if you
>> wanna try and claim it's can opener code, by all means, replicate the
>> effect.
>Can't. Don't have flash.
Well technically I don't either, I used SwishMax...lil harder to use
since a lot of stuff doesn't work in preview mode, so you have to know
what you're doing. Essentially it's like programming with no debug
mode, it either works on export or it doesn't, if it doesn't, you're
forced to go through and figure it out for yourself the hard way.
>> It only took me about a day collectively and you seem to
>> think you're better at coding than I am, so you should be able to do
>> it in like...half the time! ^_^
>Even less than that.
>Started: 4:30-ish
>Finished: 6:30
>Oh, it's centered in the middle of the page too.
One, it's not in Flash, two, that's not a custom interface you stupid
n00b. Change all the graphics on the video functions like nyah:
Oh, but it won't work in FF, cause FF doesn't support most of the
Javascript media object controls...hence the reason I'm using Flash
for most of my video stuff these days.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
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