Posted by tubeguy on 11/24/05 02:00
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> On Tue, 22 Nov 2005 03:56:54 GMT, "tubeguy" <NOtubeguySPAM@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>I don't hate you.
> I'm happy for you...be careful though, you wouldn't want any of my
> nasty lil obsessives to start attacking you under the deficiency that
> it'll somehow affect me...they've been known to do that. ^_^
>>Get back to me, or have you shitcanned my responses?
> Patience, patience...tsch, tsch, tsch...people always lookin for
> instant gratification.
That's something that rubbed off on me from the owner of the company I work
for- he's always wanting stuff to happen *right now*.
>>I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt
> ...or you're willing to GIVE ME the benefit of the doubt, huh?
> *snicker* You make it sound like it's something I have a need for.
It's about all I can give. So be happy you're even getting it.
>>Hatter, you are very possibly cool, despite your vociferous attitude.
> It really depends on one lil thing...how seriously you take my
> "vociferous attitude"...for some people, it's like a giant ice pick
> constantly stabbing into their thick fuckin skull...for other people
> it's gawd damn Jesus killing fun at its finest. All up to you, I have
> no power over your emotions one way or the other.
>>I want to get to know you.
> Gettin to know Joe
> Although I think he's a lil slow
> with his top posting hello
> Oh little Joe, ya gotta learn to let go
> Let it all flow, ya know
> Like yer moms menstrual flow
> Oh no, there I go, with another blow
> Yer yellin woah, beggin for a free throw
> even though, little Joe
> I keep tellin ya to let it go
> I guess ya reap what ya sew
> If you can't see it like a television show
That's just good stuff. Laughing over here, thanks for that.
>>Get by the stuff, get over the overlord mentality.
> ...I don't have an overlord mentality...but I'm pleased to see I was
> able to instill that sense of perception in you...shows the
> effectiveness of my tactics.
>>Get back to me. I won't hate, I will listen.
> Being "hated" is apart of the persona though...
As long as you're good with it; I've actually never initiated a flamfest,
but that car just pushed my buttons.
> "yes I'm indier than thou within my nerdcore flow
> and if you're slow on the uptake, I'll lay it out
> hipsterism is a religion to which you gotta be devout
> you must be seen as in between unpopular and hated
> or else get excommunicated"
> http://frontalot.untimelydeath.com/mc_frontalot_-_indier_than_thou.mp3
> So says Front-a-lot...and he be frontin, yo.
I'm not actually dim, I just only put effort into things that I actually
need to know about. For instance Linux has never been an issue because I
manage an MS network. Our website is running on Irix, but what I have to
know about to do my job is Windows. It's kind of fun, having all these
Wintel boxes up and running all the time. Kind of a badge of honor. Windows
can be horrible, but learning unix is not something that I have time for. I
am too busy posting here. At least I have some years of experience with
Wintel boxen, so I come out looking good at the end of the day and can cash
my paycheck feeling good about what I've done.
I'll get some of my tunage out there on flonk soon.
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