Posted by Barbara de Zoete on 11/27/05 13:24
On Sun, 27 Nov 2005 11:17:12 +0100, Blinky the Shark <no.spam@box.invalid>
> Barbara de Zoete wrote:
>> I just don't understand you google.group guys. Had you shown any
>> interest in this group or in usenet newsgroups in general, you
>> would have noticed how participants post and reply. At least
>> you would have come across a recent post showing the above URL.
>> For me this is the end for google.groups now. Quite honestly,
>> I've had it with you lot. Because of the hit and run nature of
>> your participating in newsgroups, you just miss what's relevant
>> for communications. I dislike that behaviour more and more now.
>> So, for my good, any post containing the header
>> groups.google.com is from now on kill filed.
> Barbara, may I quote that passage on the page shown in my sig, as
> an "other voices" insert, the way I have done with Ohmster's and
> Ben's comments (also with permission)?
> [ ... ]
> With your permission, I would put it up, and give you credit as I
> did the others (unless you'd rather it be attributed to "another
> Usenet participant".
By all means, you're welcome to quote it. I have no problem with
attributing it to my name.
,-- --<--@ -- PretLetters: 'woest wyf', met vele interesses: ----------.
| weblog | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/_private/weblog.html |
| webontwerp | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/webontwerp.html |
|zweefvliegen | http://home.wanadoo.nl/b.de.zoete/html/vliegen.html |
`-------------------------------------------------- --<--@ ------------'
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